Daily Activities
Enjoy the recreation room with pool tables, and ping pong table. Spacious neat grounds are available for children and adults alike.
If the fish stop biting and you’re looking for something to do, check at the office for a collection of yard games that we offer.
Our resort featrues a 22 x 42 heated swimming pool — a great place to relax and unwind after catching the “big ones” in the lake (only open after June 1).
Find your adventuresome spirit and take on one of the many hiking trails through the Chippewa National Forest just at our back door! Observe deer, bears, wood ducks and more!
Sunday Family Ice Cream Social
Fishing Opener Brouhaha

Join us during the first two weekends of the season (Fishing Opener) for Brats and Beer. It is very popular with our guests. Help us kick off the new season by being our guest during one of these two weekends.
The Lost 40 Trail Hike

Ask George to take you on a tour of the Lost 40 – a Minnesota Forest Legacy – an area in Northern Minnesota that was never touched by loggers or developers due to a surveying error in 1882. The “Lost 40” is home to one of the last stands of virgin, “old-growth” Red and White Pine in Minnesota. Some of these trees are well over 300 hundred years old. (US Forest Service website on the Lost 40)